Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why People hate your story~ My initial rant

When I read fanfics I understand that none of us are professionals, but I still will drop a fic if it doesn't meet at least one of my standards.
  1. Good Story line
  2. follow able plot
  3. proper grammar (I understand that some people aren't that good with english so that isn't usually my turnoff)
  4. doesn't skip around (I hate when one thing happens then it skips to something else and it doesn't flow. People need to elaborate some things. When they are elaborated people won't be asking questions about things that were missing because someone didn't write that part of the story. They just moved onto the next thing and left the reader saying, what? I don't need to read about every minute of the person's day, but I'd rather get a GOOD five minutes than an awkward five seconds every half hour. I want action, reaction, and effect, most of all, the character's feelings. Does it still skip around when you do that? Just run that scenario through your head and tell me that it would actually happen like that in that time frame.)
  5. things make sense (People need to get their dates and facts right! If you are in the hospital for being paralyzed you are not going home that day and walking by nighttime! I ask myself, does anyone even read their own writing? I am just as bad with that at times, I don't read my chapter until I post it, then I fix the little things, but as I write it, I always check that my story is right. Going out for lunch, you better not see the moon at the end of your date. There are now beaches in Seoul. Do no doors have locks? Maybe you take hour long showers, but I am a little more green. Fainting is obviously an everyday occurrence. All guys are rich and snobby *that was directed at you YunJae writers*  Kidnapping has become something that no longer needs to be reported. Even poor people can have cell phones. I work six shifts a day, study all night, and still make great grades and have awesome looks. ONLY IN YOUR FANTASIES. Keep it a little realistic, please. If your characters are celebrities they can't go around acting like no one is watching them. Idols are always watched. I can't understand how people forget that. They can't always get drunk. They don't have vacations every other day. They can't schedule things then cancel them in a second. Idols have just as many anti's as they do normal fans. They are also very diverse people, so they don't all act like whores. *shrugs shoulders at breaking the news.* Please try and revise your work when you realize it makes absolutely no sense. Revise means to rework your sentences by taking things out and moving them around. Editing is the grammar and spelling. Go over the chapter and put that situation into real life. Does it actually fit? No? It seems too out there? Then try again. fights are the same way. Please remember that punching someone hurts just as much as being punched. Hasn't Yankumi taught you anything? It is easy to get injured from fights, and you don't heal overnight. A lot of times, fights are just unnecessary. Just like every guy wants to rape your main character. Yeah, so believable. ) 
  6. Creative (if someone is making guesses about the story and they know what will happen because it is so obvious then you aren't that good of a writer. I'm tired of reading the same stories with the same plots and twists. Jaejoong is a badboy? What am I the toothfairy? Think of something else. I know that fantasies has the word fan, which is in fanfiction, keyword fiction. I get that. These are the things that we would just absolutely flip out for if we read it ourselves. Our preferences and personal taste do effect what we write. But if you write something that has been done over and over, you better make it a million times better than the rest, otherwise,  , otherwise, just go back and read those fics that have what you want. There is enough stories about orphans, and in the first place, I know some orphans, they were put into foster homes almost immediately.  There are just too many fics that sound exactly alike.)
  7. not all over the place (I mean, you write about one thing, you don't add a bunch of things that don't really fit. If your story is about being married then don't add some weird monster attack. Stick to the plot and don't add random things in!)
  8. Not cliche (It's okay to go drinking, to have a house burn down, to get pregnant, to get married, to have someone die, to have love triangles, to get shot, to get into fights. Do it once, don't do them all. Fun to read, but sometimes it is just too amateur and people can't pull it off. Did you watch five action movies, seven tragedies, and a bad comedy before writing? I hope not.)
  9. Good Characters/ Character development (each character has their own personal qualities that makes them unique. If all the characters are perfect then the story is boring. If the character is beautiful and nothing else, just beautiful, the story is boring. If the character is rich but not selfish and is really pretty and smart and athletic and NO! That is just a perfect character that does not exist. Characters need flaws and perfections. They need traits that make them stand out from the others so it doesn't seem like any person could have said or done something. If that one trait is that they don't smile, no other person better be smiling. Characters also need to grow through time. By age and by experience. That is the only way that two strangers are going to meet and fall in love. Enough of random attraction, how about real development? There needs to be a clear and gradual change in a character if that is how the story goes. When two people meet and hate each other, there still needs to be a bitter feeling even after they fall in love. There needs to be an obvious showing of how characters think and so on. If the characters suck or don't fit psychologically correct then I might not read a story. Not all characters are happy go lucky and perfect, nor are they depressed and have the worst luck. They need a bit of both that balance and work together.)
  10. POV (Switching from one person to another works sometimes, but it can get very confusing and I tend to skip the POV of some of my less favorite characters. In fact, I might skip that entire part of a plot. I'd rather have one person's POV for a whole chapter, or even half a chapter. But when there is a different POV for each paragraph and they are all talking about the same thing, it gets annoying and redundant. I write in a 3rd person POV, so I never have those annoying things messing with my story. POV's are fine if they are used correctly. I want to stress that you DON'T HAVE TO rewrite a scene from another POV. We read it once and don't really want to read it again. even just one sentence. Don't. Try to not even switch POV in the middle of a scene. Wait for something else. It is actually an issue for me when I read a something and it switches POV. I feel like the person should have just written in that POV from the beginning and it would have been fine. What, you couldn't work that into their POV. Try a little harder please.)
  11. structure (if I read a story where the person has about one or two sentences then has then _______ said : blah blah blah blah. I will usually stop right there unless the story has a good plot. Unless you are planning on performing this as a skit and this is just something you put up for fun, don't do that. Also, only ONE character may speak per paragraph. Don't have any other person speak! Person 1  can speak, IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT THE PARAGRAPH WILL BE SHORT, person 2 and person 3 CAN NOT speak in that paragraph! Hit the enter button and go to the next line! I don't like it when a chapter is just 28 sentences one after another, not really in paragraph form. That is only allowed in poetic form, not for a whole story. Chapters should have a basic standard of length. One can be longer than the other by a page or two, but don't have super short chapters the entire time. If you do that then you better be updating at least six times a day.)
  12. actually updates (a story that hasn't been updated in six months will often get overlooked. It's different from being completed. If a story gets updated then the ideas are still going to the author and it will probably have an interesting new twist in the newest chapter. When a story is completed the author had enough good ideas and was able to put them together and finish a story. Those actually make me want to read them since they seem exciting, even in tragedy romances.)
I probably do a lot of the things I say I don't like, but that is okay. As long as the key points of it  doesn't skip around, things make sense, and it is creative  are there then it is fine. Eek, this sounds like I am bashing people. I'm not pointing this out to anyone specific. I just want to improve people's writing. I don't usually drop fics anyway. I read a fic that was the total opposite of what I like. It was uncreative, poorly written, had absolutely the most cliche plot ever, and it just didn't make sense, but I still read it to the end. I just feel that people should know what readers find as a turn off for their stories. I really recommend rereading your story from time to time just to see how things are going for you.
I'm not really advertising this because I don't want to read a bunch of random fics, but if someone asks, I would review their story. You can see how much I think about this, but I have to say, I get pleased easily.

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