Thursday, June 16, 2011

Part 9- Hidden meanings

It is my right as a reader to go through the story and make guesses about what will happen later on, relate to things happening in the real world like an injury or  song, and reference back in the story for things that have been previously mentioned. If I feel deprived of my ability to exert this right then you have failed as an author. YOU HAVE FAILED AS AN AUTHOR BY TAKING MY RIGHTS AWAY!Stop handing me stories where everything is laid out on a plate and presented to me all pretty. What if I want to work things out on my own? There is going into detail about things, and then there is putting everything out so there is absolutely no surprise or fun with reading the story. Going into detail ↓
He had three rings on his finger, one on his middle, thumb, and the eternal home for rings. The diamond on the love vain covered flesh perched elegantly in a band that read 'My lovely, saranghae forever~♥' In front of him rested the velvet box with an identically smaller ring.
Putting it out there ↓
He wore three rings. One was a engagement ring on his ring finger. He had another ring that he was going to give to his lover. He was going to ask her to marry him because he loved her.
Then I laugh and go away without leaving a productive comment because there was nothing going on in the story...
There is a huge difference between letting the reader guess what is happening or using their context clues to understand things and being descriptive or vague. Please, dance around the scene instead of just saying what is going on. Don't reveal everything because that ruins the fun later. Stop telling me that they are in love in the foreword. That isn't what fanfics are about, they are about the process by which they love each other and telling me they love each other is like telling me that the story ends in happiness. They usually do, but don't kill the thrill of reading it. Don't give out huge spoilers that really ruin the development of the story, leave things open so we can gauge things for ourselves.
As you are writing a part of the story think of the scene like you are there and watching it happen and you can read minds. Choose carefully what you think is making things too obvious to guess and what needs to be included to confuse readers and give them a different perspective. In my example above I could have included that he was in front of a grave, or I could have shown that the girl had gotten married before the ring was given to her. Just a little sentence like the "The box fit perfectly with the other presents for the deceased couple. On the stone read, 'Loving wife, friend, and a great person to fix all love problems.' But why couldn't you fix my love problems?"  We make guesses about what happened in their past and why this man loves her and has an engagement ring for her and also makes us wonder why she is dead and why they aren't together. It is better than saying, "She wasn't married to him because she was never able to see how much he loved her and she married another man. Even though she was the supposed loved doctor, she couldn't make him feel any better and died before he could ever win her heart." Stop revealing and put a cover on things. Put a blindfold on and describes things that make me guess what it is.
The guess what is happening game!
That is how a hidden meaning can play out. Things aren't stated out clearly, people have to guess what certain things mean and what they might mean later on in the plot. It's like my show don't tell, except I'm saying to not show certain things. Hide the things that spoil and show the things that a plot can build on. This also includes the skill of foreshadowing, so leave hints about what is going to happen or could happen, but don't actually say it. My best example, after sex the person starts vomiting a couple of months later. They are either sick, or pregnant. Hmm...
This is advantageous because
  • making guesses makes me think about the story
  • thinking more helps me remember the damned plot *cuz they all sound the same*
  • liking the plot leads to me thinking more
  • thinking more affects how much I understand the story
  • understanding highlights all the intelligent and creative ways the fanfic was written
  • My awe of your intelligence makes the story better and therefore, you a not sucky author. As in, I want to read more of your stories.
  • Reading the stories will most often lead to me commenting
  • who doesn't like comments?
  • my comments will be more detailed and I will praise you more instead of say "that was cute, update soon."
  • I will praise like, "Your ways of using description to signify the change in their relationship leave me breathless! I want to run into the story and tear the apart when he says he can't stand the sight of cheaters! She was cheated on in the beginning, why is she two timing him now? Arrgh! Why can't they all just love like bunnies? Why won't she tell him that it isn't love? Is it because she doesn't know that she still loves him instead of the other dude? Update soon!!!!!!!!!!"
  • that's when I like a story. I hope you understand that your writing is good that way.
The easiest hidden meanings to find are the titles of stories or of chapters. It is always wonderful to see a title come into play near the end of a story and finally explain the hidden meaning. The best types are the ones where you go throughout the story seeing something mentioned over and over, but you don't really get it until the very end and everything just clicks and you go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Wow, now I feel dumb!" There are those moments that everything makes sense and we starting singing our praise for the author to brilliantly hint things out like that. I don't know, maybe a title called "The last track is always a dedication" This is my story that goes along with this little title.
Manly man here is dating a girl that has cancer. He can't see her that often because of his busy schedule, his album needs a few more songs before release, but he makes sure that he can care for her. Healthy girl over here comes into his life as... a nurse to help sick girl over there. He loves sick girl and he is starting to see the brilliance in healthy girl. Manly man goes away to Japan for recording and while he is there he writes a new song that he is going to put in as a the last track in the album at the last minute. Throughout a chapter it goes on about how he pours out his feelings into this song and finally clears his head about the decision. Hints about the song are pointed out throughout the story without actually saying what is in it.  Well, the sick girl dies and he tries to contain his sadness while at the same time trying to prove to the healthy girl that he isn't a shallow man that can love two women at once and be so heartless so he can prove his love. When the album is released she listens to it and feels like the song is about her healing his heart as nurse would heal the body. Then they fall in love. In the song he expressed that he loved sicky sick girl and will always love her, but now that she is fading away indefinitely, he tries to heal his breaking heart by looking for the good things in life. He ends it by saying that a new girl has caught his interest and he loves her too, she just has to wait for his heart to recover, but she can help in the healing process. *because it was written before the girl died* Somehow the song is revealed or the general meaning of the song at least. So clearly, the song is a dedication to the healthy girl, but also to the sickly girl, which is also a hidden meaning because of the matter of interpretation, when he says that he loved her and always will.
I think I want someone to write a fic like that. It would be sweet. Maybe I should in my one shots... One Last Song... that would be fitting...
It would be really amazing if the song was revealed by actually taking a song and putting in the lyrics. By using things that are from real life we are able to make connections. When we read things like the nickname of the character or a song title or lyrics in the song we become closer to the authors and also know that the the writer has some real knowledge about the person and they aren't just throwing things together. It's the best when the characters actually reflect the person in little ways like them having authority because they are the leader or lacking in authority because they are a playful leader and are lax on rank. I guess I can say that if I read a story about Onew being a mean person and raping a woman *well first of all, rape is overused if not written write* I would actually tell the author that they did a bad job with choosing the character. As much as I want things to be original, this is fanfic and should show who they are based off of in some way. If you can substitute a name for a character because it doesn't really fit them then you are bad at creating a fiction about that person. This can go back to Jaejoong being a playboy, I have seen instances of Yoochun being greasy, but never the others, it was always Micky. I don't know, is it because they are soul mates? Anyway, make sure to show things correctly.
I think I went off on a character rant there... it does bring a smile to my face every time I read that the members were woken up by someone spitting out water from their mouth over the sleeping beauties. I remember Leeteuk doing that on their show, so I can laugh and say, "I get it and I love you as an author AND A FAN! even more. When the names of pets are mentioned or a certain quote from them like Oh My God Sun can make even the most hateful reader love the story more. It is the best when I don't know of a reference immediately due to the fact that I am a fresh face to kpop as of... summer '10, and I haven't learned everything about a group yet then I watch a video or a hear a song and I suddenly get it. I often revisit stories and reread them because I get all the references that just sounded cute and silly to me at first. I go, "that was a really smart way of putting a little realism into this." Then I praise you as an author and you feel good about yourself.
The reason these hidden meanings are so cool is because we can see the double meanings to some things. These are the metaphors that stand out, the poetic lines that give away love and hate, the one word that can mean anything. Just in that sense, double meanings are the coolest things ever! Going by interpretation, certain things can mean different things to different people. Heechul loving petal milk tea more than anything else can just be him drinking tea, but it is also him being a Petal man and having milky white skin. I think my best example for double meanings isn't a fanfic, but a song.
JYJ's Empty
">">">">he video isn't embeding so I will just put a link in <>
HEREYeah, I go there. The song is about a heartless girl that caused their relationship to fail. What I interpret it is as is JYJ saying SM ruined them with their restrictions and cruel ways and that they are better off now that they have left.
♪ Girl I swear, I am never going through this again. I know that you thought you'd win. And before I give you another try, I'd die.♪
Well, the girl is SM and they are saying that they never want to be treated like they were and go through another lawsuit. They won't go back to SM, ever. *Sort of makes me lose the faith...*
Then I could go into a whole rant about this one song, but I don't think I will, I proved my amazing point about how double meanings can be so beautiful. Because of my interpretation of this song, I cry every time I listen to it, no matter how happy I am.
To stop beating around the bush...
The different types of hidden meanings are-
  1. allegory, synonyms, foreshadowing, and extras- this makes you a good author, your story sounds more thought out and original since things aren't just said for what they are, lines dance around.
  2. summarizing titles- you smart cookie, you can give creative and not obvious clues to what is going to happen
  3. allusions- we need to see where you are getting this story from, and we want to connect!
  4. double meaning- when metaphors are more than just a cute way of saying they are a sex kitten
What my little titles mean- as I said in my last rant, each one has a double meaning. Even throughout every rant made it a point to take my point, go against it, make it sound bad, expose it, and counter it with something else.
  1. What was your story really about?- this one was really straight to the point because the whole rant was about titles matching. Maybe I should have put a recipe for cupcakes or something...
  2. Your characters suck dick, and not in a good way- well, characters suck, and a lot of them are sex addicts
  3. I will POV your eyes out- my play on the spelling with pov and poke. They are a little similar.
  4. I've got something to say and I will force you to listen- It was a rant about to much talking so it was an ironic title
  5. two plus two equals Donghae and anything else I can think of- Donghae is called fishy and I use the term 2+2= fish to say that something makes no sense. Anything else I can think of is how I say that there is a lot of useless crap in stories
  6. Hiatus for a test and I need your help- well the point was that I didn't go on a hiatus, I just titled it that to annoy people, and I really was taking a test and I had my review in the rant, which was helpful I must say, and I really did need help with a private project. It sounded like a normal cry for a poster while I take time off to study for a test.
  7. Hi, I am why your story sucks- it was to highlight how bad introductions are a huge turnoff. Also, my name on winglin is yurstorysucks as in why your story sucks, so that was my little hello.
  8. I am scared- uses the word am which is one of the to-be verbs I told people to eliminate, but I also didn't put the rant on winglin like I usually do because of the comments I got. There were a lot of people mad at me for doing that so I was scared of the hateful comments that might appear.
  9. Hidden Meanings- It's funny because it is right to the point, this is about how to use hidden meanings 

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